NDP gaining ground

It was an NDP reunion of sorts as Dr. Kedrick Pickering, who parted ways from the NDP a few years ago, announced that he has returned to the folds, and former NDP Chair and At Large Candidate Myron Walwyn returning to the campaign slate as the Sixth District candidate in a bid to oust the incumbent and former NDP Member Alvera Maduro-Caines.

Flanking the current NDP Chair Hon. Marlon Penn during a press conference on 3 March the three NDP members faced the press for a round of questioning relating to their candidate and party intentions for the 2023 general elections.

The media quizzed Dr. Pickering about his decision to run as At Large candidate in this election after serving the Seventh District as its representative for some 20 years. In response, Dr. Pickering stated that the current situations of the Territory prompted his decision.

He said: “The political atmosphere in the BVI has changed. Persons have been saying to me Dr. Pickering someone like yourself with the experience and knowledge that you have in respect to regional and international affairs should consider running At Large so that you could better explain to the general public some of the bigger issues they have to contend with.”

“The record is clear…I have had several public meetings by myself in which I have tried to do exactly that. As a result of where we are at this point in time I am quite clear in my mind especially after listening to the responses to, especially the public meetings that I have had that as a Territorial At Large candidate I could make a bigger,” Dr. Pickering added.

The veteran politician was also asked about his decision to return to the NDP after he had parted ways. In response Dr. Pickering admitted that he was in talks with other political entities but in the end decided to return to the NDP.

 “When you look at it, there are three political organizations really, and there have been many discussions with various factions mainly. The NDP Family made a concerted effort to encourage me to rejoin the organization. In fact, the put out an all out bid to try and get me to rejoin the fraternity so to speak. So, after considering the options, and discussing with the people who are closest to me, who are working with me we came to a decision that at this point in time the country needs a group of persons working together for the betterment of the country,” he stated.


Of all of the NDP candidates, Walwyn’s return to the political arena was filled with suspense as the candidate is currently facing the courts of the controversial Elmore Stoutt High school wall project which he undertook while he was Minister of Education.

During the press conference the candidate took the opportunity to respond to rumors and concerns about his decision to run with the case hanging over his head. The political candidate said, “I have confidence in the judicial system here and I know I’ll be vindicated because I can say without fear of contradiction that my hands are clean.”

“If I remotely thought that I may have been involved in anything criminal whatsoever, you will not see me here before you, not embarrassing myself, embarrassing my family, certainly not insulting the intelligence of the people of the Virgin Islands,” he further added.

Walwyn’s decision to run as a Sixth District candidate as opposed to At Large also had tongues wagging and also took time to address that matter. When asked about his decision Walwyn reminded all, that he is from the Sixth District. He stated, “My navel string is buried under a tree between an old house in Free Bottom Estate and Brewley Superette across the street.”

The candidate said that he was summoned to run by residents of the District who felt that they were not receiving adequate representation. “I listened to the call, I didn’t make a decision on them but about two months ago a contingent of about six or seven persons came to me to discuss the issue of District 6.”

Walwyn also blasted claims that he was running in a District as opposed to At Large because it is easier for him to win that way. In response, Walwyn said, “When you run At Large you have four chances to win. You can come first, second, third, or fourth, there are four chances to win. When you run in a district you have one chance to win, nobody can come second place, so it says that running in a district perhaps could be more difficult than if it’s running At Large.”